Kelly Greens is a private and gated community that offers bundled services to its residents. When you purchase a residence here, you automatically become a member of Kelly Greens Golf & Country Club, which gives you access to all the amenities. The clubhouse is a lively gathering place that offers a full-service dining room, a bar, and an outdoor patio, all overlooking the 18-hole championship golf course. Nearby, you can find fitness facilities, clay tennis courts, and meeting/activity rooms, which make it a welcoming center of the community. There is always something to do at Kelly Greens. If you are not golfing, playing tennis, you can participate in the many events organized for members by the Club. Kelly Greens is an Audubon Certified community. The Golf Course and its lakes present natural beauty for the enjoyment of all.
Enjoyment and challenge for all
Courting the active lifestyle
Relax and be delighted
There’s always something happening
Find what’s right for you
Member-owned and member-run